The 2013 Silicon Bayou 100: Group 7


Mark Graffagnini

Mark is an attorney licensed in Louisiana and California with a variety of legal and financial experience. Through his firm, Graffagnini+Associates, LLC, he  represents investors and companies in venture capital transactions, corporate formation, M&A and contractual matters.  On LinkedIn.

Mark Kurt

Technology wiz Mark Kurt is the current Chief Technology Officer at TurboSquid, a company which was co-founded by Matt Wisdom (listed below). Prior to that he worked as Director of Divery at Ciber, CIO for the City of New Orleans, and CTO of iSeatz. On LinkedIn.

Matt Candler

Matt Candler is CEO of 4.0 Schools – a school launch and support organization committed to closing the achievement gap in the Southeastern United States ( In 2006, Matt joined New Schools for New Orleans as its first CEO and built a team whose human capital and school launch efforts are considered some of the most innovative and successful in the nation. Matt is chairman of the Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools, a board member of Building Excellent Schools, and co-founder of the New Orleans teacher support community – On LinkedIn. On Twitter.

Matt Shwery

Matt is a designer and front-end developer. Originally from Iowa, he’s had integral rolls in making pretty things out of the SquareFour headquarters in Uptown, New Orleans and in the creation of NOLADEX.   He’s also been a major part of the design & front-end development of the web presence for many local start-ups, including his own MinimaList and previous work with VoteIt.  He joined the team at Federated Sample in 2013.   On LinkedIn. On Twitter.

Matt Tritico

Matt Tritico, often referred to locally by only his surname, has organized BarCampNOLA for the past five years, solidifying his role as an in-demand local developer. He was previously in charge of projects like and NOLAdexonly. Matt is now the Executive Director of Technology at Federated SampleOn LinkedIn. On Twitter.

Matt Wisdom

Matt Wisdom is a digital media guru who co-founded TurboSquid and currently leads the growing team as CEO. TurboSquid is the largest library for 3D models in the world and the New Orleans-based team includes over 50 employees. He currently serves on the boards of GNO, Inc., the New Orleans Startup Fund, and The Idea Village, and is a mentor for Launch Pad Ignition. Previously recognized as an Innovator of the Year and Technology Leader of the Year, Matt is also on the board of recently angel-funded startup, VoteIt. On LinkedIn. On Twitter.

McKenzie Coco

McKenzie founded FSC Inter@ctive with a vision to working exclusively with online marketing strategies. The dozen employees powering FSC provide SEO, SEM, social media, email marketing, and other online services to clients. On LinkedIn. On Twitter.

Michael Gollner

A former partner of Court Square Capital Partners, Michael now sits on the board of directors at the Idea Village in addition to running the investment management company he founded, Operating Capital Partners. He is a fellow Tulane graduate and went on to receive his M.B.A. from the Wharton School, additionally receiving an M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania. On LinkedIn.

Michael Hecht

After working with small businesses in New York City and directing business recovery services for Louisiana Economic Development, Michael Hecht has made his mark locally by running the steamship GNO, Inc. Greater New Orleans Inc. is a regional economic development alliance serving the 10-parish region of Southeast Louisiana and has been integral in bringing attention the digital media scene in New Orleans. On LinkedIn. On Twitter.

Ned Fasullo

Ned, a lifelong resident of Baton Rouge, is known to many as the “Southern Sinatra” because of his involvement in one of the only two big band orchestras in Louisiana. Ned has been involved in the tech industry since 1995, successfully helping many startups with their sales and marketing goals. He has now started two of his own companies. Ned works as a consultant, President, and CEO at Fasullo Enterprises as well as the Chief Marketing Officer at Global Data Systems. As the CMO, Ned leads the overall strategy development for the sales and marketing of the company’s expansive catalog of products and services marketed both domestically and abroad. On LinkedIn.

Thanks again to our sponsors: 365 ConnectNew Orleans Startup FundLaunch PadRon Bienvenu,Eiffel Society and The Idea Village!

Silicon Bayou 100 2013 sponsors