Three out of four years, today would be March 1st. Which would mean rent would be due, March Madness talk would suddenly kick in, and those unfinished taxes hanging out over your head would start to feel heavier.
Luckily, it’s a leap year- which means we get an extra day to… well, have a regular Wednesday.
If that isn’t excitement enough for you, today is also a great day to look ahead at everything happening on the Silicon Bayou in March.
GROWCO: March 5th – 7th
Inc. Magazine’s “Grow Your Company Conference,” or #GROWCO, will be stirring up start-ups in downtown New Orleans next week with Eric Reis, Guy Kawasaki, Bill Clinton, and many others visiting to talk business. Read more here about the upcoming event.
Louisiana StartupBus: March 6th – 11th
After much lobbying and singing, the Louisiana StartupBus is almost ready to hit the road. Terry Jones will be conducting the bus on a trip around Louisiana while the buspreneurs build brand new Louisiana startups. The trip ends with a pitch competition on March 11th in Austin at South by Southwest.
Louisiana takes on SXSW
Every year a large percentage of the tech & startup world converges on Austin in March for South by Southwest (SXSW). On top of the Louisiana StartupBus representing the state at SXSW, several other events aim to shift the spotlight one state to the East.
- The New Orleans Downtown Development District is hosting the third annual NOLASXSW party on Monday, March 12th. Use the secret password (whodat) to pick up tickets in advance – it’s usually packed!
- Elliott Adams of LED is leading a panel titled, “How Governments are Changing Where Big Ideas Happen.” Click here for details.
- Launch Pad Ignition‘s crew of founders and mentors will be out in full force at multiple SXSW events. Follow them on twitter @lpignition for details.
- Louisiana Entertainment will also be present with a booth at the trade show.
- Know other Louisiana groups or individuals attending SXSW? Send us a note and we’ll add them!
BizCampNOLA: March 10th
504ward is hosting the third annual BizCamp NOLA on March 10th, 2012. BizCamp is lauded as, “the unconference for entrepreneurs.” If you won’t be at SXSW, this is a great way to squeeze in a little learning and networking on your Saturday. Click here to learn more or register.
New Orleans Entrepreneur Week (NOEW): March 10th-16th
NOEW, presented by The Idea Village, is set to run from March 10th – 16th, 2012. The week’s events will include multiple IDEAinstitute education sessions, pitch sessions, business plan competitions, keynotes, and more. Check out the full schedule at
What’s going on in your neck of the Bayou this month? Let us know in the comments.