Week in Review: September 15, 2014

10 years ago

The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days: LSU and Governor Jindal ...

Week in Review: April 29, 2013

12 years ago

The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days:   From Internet Clones ...

All About You: Natasia Malaihollo

12 years ago

From a modeling contract to the realization that she has a passion for academics, Natasia Malaihollo attended Berkeley where she studied BioChem until finally falling in love with the ...

Week in Review: January 21, 2013

12 years ago

The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days:   Two-Day Codemkrs Hackathon ...