Super Bowl App Wins Big at Whale Tank 2013

12 years ago

Digital Tip Jar won more than once today at Whale Tank 2013 in New Orleans. Travis Laurendine from Codemkrs dubbed the startup company with the Traction Award from the ...

Week in Review: February 4, 2013

12 years ago

The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days:   Ten Companies Will ...

Mardi Brah Now Available in the App Store

12 years ago

The street-style punt, pass and kick competition, Mardi Brah, is now available for download in the app store. The game is meant to be fun and casual, while showing ...

Week in Review: January 21, 2013

12 years ago

The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days:   Two-Day Codemkrs Hackathon ...