The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days:
Gameloft: The Guillermot Family’s Game Changer: Julien Meyer, our newest contributing writer, explored the connection the French company Gameloft has to New Orleans. The arrival of Gameloft, a mobile game publisher, in Louisiana will impact the development of the digital media industry in the Silicon Bayou, and maybe inspire Louisianians entrepreneurs to create their own game changer.
Lemonade Day Inspires a Passion for Entrepreneurship in the Next Generation: Lemonade Day started in Houston in 2007, growing last year to over 3o cities. New Orleans’ Lemonade Day is May 5th, 2012. The goals of the program are to teach goal-setting, problem solving, and a range of entrepreneurial skills such as budget creation, customer service, investor relations, and conscious capitalism.
Warby Parker Part Two: Market Strategy and a Social Mission: In part two of a three part series, Molly Oehmichen finds out that Warby Parker puts fashion first, but manages to position itself not only as a brand ahead of the fashion curve, but also ahead of the business curve.
Baker Donelson Attorneys Serve up Bootcamps and Entrepreneur Minute Videos: Baker Donelson is one of the largest firms in the country, and has leveraged its resources to create ways to help New Orleans entrepreneurs through educational resources and specialized services. They have played a major role in cultivating entrepreneurship and the growing business culture in the city.
South Coast Angels and LTC to Join SeNSE April Social: SeNSE is presenting their April Social with the SouthCoast Angel Fund and Louisiana Technology Council on April 25th, 2012 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at Zolia. SeNSE is known as a shared resource where entrepreneurs and participants can make connections, share thoughts ideas and experiences and get pointed in the right direction for success.
Ohours: One Step Closer to Silicon Everywhere: Molly Oehmichen recently stumbled upon a virtual Ohours is, “the open office hours scheduling platform,” where you can check availability and schedule time to meet with interesting people and subject area experts. She has since Skyped with people from all over the world.
Enviroguard Technologies Unveils Security Device to Protect Against Rash of Nationwide Fuel Thefts: Baton Rouge-based Enviroguard Technologies announced Thursday the introduction of a new anti-terrorism security device, which offers a barrier between thieves, terrorists, and unauthorized access to underground fuel storage tanks and sub-surface openings.
Hub New Orleans to Open Doors of Social Venture Workspace This Fall: Thomas Rush is, “the CEO and janitor,” of New Orleans’ first “social venture” workspace: HUB New Orleans. It will feature a variety of private offices, co-working spaces, and, “a shared manufacturing and prototyping space for social innovators,” Tom explained. The space will open its doors in August.
All About You: Julia Ballard: Originally from Cambridge, MA, Julia Ballard moved here in September after graduating from the University of Redlands in California. In February, she joined the Silicon Bayou team as our Assistant News Editor. She’s passionate about communications, psychology, and paving her own path.
McNamara Presents Biodistrict Update and Workshop Announcement on WWLTV: James McNamara, President and CEO of the BioDistrict New Orleans appeared on WWLTV Tuesday to discuss the growth of the BioDistrict. He also discussed a workshop taking place this Sunday and Monday with a goal of further connecting the BioDistrict to the community and local industries.
Download These 5 Social Apps for Festival Season: @heyitsmegan shares the five top apps to stay savvy and social this festival season: Instagram, Glympse, Foursquare, iMotionHD, and the actual app for the festival you are attending.
Social Entrepreneurs of New Orleans make significant economic and cultural impact: From education tech startups to social innovation, New Orleans has quickly become a prominent entrepreneurial center. Entrepreneurs are not just making a cultural or environmental impact, but an economic one too.
Louisiana Technology Council Seeks to Recognize Technology Achievements: The LTC along with regional economic development organizations and various chambers of commerce throughout Louisiana will support eWARDS, a celebration achievements from people across the state who has positively impacted technology in the past year.